Being an Entrepreneur isn’t for the weak of heart from walking away from nearly ½ Billion Dollar Exit, Applying the same acumen across different industries, disruption through unbound action.
Jeremy Delk is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for disrupting industries. Since 2001, his businesses have earned hundreds of millions in revenue, created 100’s of high paying American jobs, as well as other notable distinctions:
Inc 500 – 21st Fastest Growing CompanyInc 500 – 4th Fastest Growing Company in Health
He jumped into entrepreneurial ventures with the naivety of a child and the tenacity of a tycoon. He started day trading at the age of sixteen, learning and failing with each trade. It is this process of adapting through failures that is paramount to his success in business.
His knowledge and skill as a day trader helped him land a job as one of the youngest brokers at Fidelity trading institutional equities in Boston, and later in New York. It didn’t fulfill the entrepreneurial spark within him, so he decided to go out on his own creating Delk Enterprises. More than 20 years later, Delk Enterprises has holdings in biotech & healthcare, consumer brands, technology, building materials, and real estate development.
Jeremy now focuses on investing in and advising entrepreneurs through speaking. His upcoming book shares his reality of the Good, Bad, and UGLY of entrepreneurship. It serves as a not-so-subtle reminder of fundamental principles he’s learned through his journey: while great times don’t last forever, neither do the truly bad ones.

overcoming adversity

action over planning

industry disruption

embracing failure


Sales & Marketing

as seen on

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If you have any questions or professional inquiries please shoot him an email through this form. He would like to hear from you, depending on your inquiry of course.